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You can listen for requests with frz.ServerWithApi()

frz.ServerWithApi(server, "GET /",
    func(_ *frz.Server, _ *frz.Request, res *frz.Response) {
        frz.SendEcho(res, "hello")

The above example listens for requests at GET / and responds with hello as text/plain.


You can send out a status code with frz.SendStatus()

frz.ServerWithApi(server, "GET /",
    func(_ *frz.Server, _ *frz.Request, res *frz.Response) {
        frz.SendStatus(res, 404)
        frz.SendEcho(res, "Resource not found, sorry.")


Status codes must be sent out before sending any header fields.

Header fields

You can retrieve header fields with frz.ReceiveHeader() and send out header fields with frz.SendHeader().

frz.ServerWithApi(server, "GET /",
    func(_ *frz.Server, req *frz.Request, res *frz.Response) {
        contentType := frz.ReceiveHeader(req, "Content-Type")
        if "application/xml" != contentType {
            frz.SendStatus(res, 400)
            frz.SendHeader(res, "Content-Length", "69")
            frz.SendEcho(res, "We don't serve your kind around here, better get an XML encoder, heh.")

        frz.SendStatus(res, 404)
        frz.SendHeader(res, "Content-Length", "26")
        frz.SendEcho(res, "Resource not found, sorry.")


Header fields must be sent out before sending a body.

Path fields

You can define path fields via the {parameter} syntax, the name of the parameter wrapped in curly braces.

You can then retrieve the value of the path field with frz.ReceivePath()

frz.ServerWithApi(server, "GET /about/{name}",
    func(_ *frz.Server, req *frz.Request, res *frz.Response) {
        name := frz.ReceivePath(req, "name")
        frz.SendEcho(res, "hello ")
        frz.SendEcho(res, name)


You can retrieve values of query fields with frz.ReceiveQuery()

frz.ServerWithApi(server, "GET /about",
    func(server *frz.Server, request *frz.Request, response *frz.Response) {
        name := frz.ReceiveQuery(request, "name")
        frz.SendEcho(response, "hello ")
        frz.SendEcho(response, name)


Forms can be retrieved with frz.ReceiveForm().

You can use the url.Values api in order to retrieve specific form fields.

frz.ServerWithApi(server, "POST /about",
    func(server *frz.Server, request *frz.Request, response *frz.Response) {
        form := frz.ReceiveForm(request)
        name := form.Get("name")
        frz.SendEcho(response, "hello ")
        frz.SendEcho(response, name)


Forms must be passed through the body of the request, so verbs without body, like GET and DELETE, will fail to read the form.


Json bodies can be read and decoded with frz.ReceiveJson().

This function is a bit different that the others because it doesn't return a value, instead it takes in an object and projects the contents of the json onto said object.

type Person struct {
    Name string `json:"name"`

frz.ServerWithApi(server, "POST /about",
    func(server *frz.Server, request *frz.Request, response *frz.Response) {
        person := &Person{}
        form := frz.ReceiveJson(request, person)
        frz.SendEcho(response, "hello ")
        frz.SendEcho(response, person.Name)