Web socket handlers

You can automatically upgrade http requests to web sockets with frz.ServerWithWebSocketHandler().

frz.ServerWithWebSocketHandler(server, "GET /", 
    func(request *frz.Request, response *frz.Response) {
        for {
            frz.SendEcho(response, "hello")
            message := frz.ReceiveMessage(request)
            fmt.Printf("Received message `%s`.\n", message)


Web socket patterns must always use the GET verb.


Returning from the callback function will automatically close the web socket connection.
In the example above, exiting the for loop will automatically close the web socket connection.

All web socket handlers are compatible with many of the same functions used by traditional request handlers.

However, many other functions that send data to the client have little compatibility with web sockets because of the nature of the protocol itself.


For example, you won't be able to send a status code to the client in your websocket loop because because by the time your callback function is executed, the underlying web socket handshake has already terminated and the status code has already been sent.

The following is a compatibility table between web socket and request handlers.

Function Compatible with request handlers Compatible with web socket handlers
ReceivePath Yes Yes
ReceiveQuery Yes Yes
ReceiveHeader Yes Yes
ReceiveContentType Yes Yes
ReceiveMessage Yes Yes
ReceiveJson Yes Yes
ReceiveForm Yes No
VerifyContentType Yes Yes
SendRedirect Yes No
SendRedirectToSecure Yes No
SendStatus Yes No
SendHeader Yes No
SendContent Yes Yes
SendEcho Yes Yes
SendEmbeddedFileOrIndexOrElse Yes No
SendEmbeddedFileOrElse Yes No
SendFileOrIndexOrElse Yes No
SendFileOrElse Yes No
SendWebSocketUpgrade Yes No
SendSveltePage Yes No